Services that exceed customer expectations

A service that allows customers to choose rooms

Services that lead to high evaluation

A service that allows customers to choose rooms.


This is a service at overseas luxury resort hotels.


If check-in time is early, customers can actually see and choose between the two rooms.


The Customers are selected after actually comparing the rooms, so even if there are some inconveniences in the rooms, customers will be on inn side from the mind that they want to show their judgment well.


In addition, if the guest room is available in the off season, there are some inns that offer a service to upgrade the guest room after informing the customer.


I think this service is natural if it places importance on review.


One guest room is one guest room.


The time required for cleaning may be a little longer because the room is large, but the cost is approximately the same as a normal room because it costs 5 dollar to 6 dollar for one sheet and an amenity set.


However, you do not upgrade the guest room without informing anything.


For example, it is important to tell the customer, “It is empty today by luck.”.


It is also a pleasure for customers to convey the kindness of the staff.


North-facing rooms and south-facing rooms

For example, If we ask the customers to choose a north-facing room or a south-facing room at check-in, most customers will choose a south-facing room, even if we add a word, “north-facing rooms are a bit wider.”.


Even if the south-facing room is small, the customers will be satisfied because it is chosen by them.


And, not only in the guest room, the service that customers can choose something is very pleased and feels a great value.


In addition, the process of making a choice increases the precious time that the staff can have a one-on-one conversation with the customer, and it also has the effect of improving the staff’s impression.


Only surprises remain in memory

The real thing beyond the catch phrase

There is a place called an urban oasis.


Of course, it’s not an actual oasis, so we can’t see the sea or the mountains.


Although the field of view is open and we may feel spaciousness, there are always skyscrapers in the scenery.


On the other hand, it is more effective for review evaluation to sell rooms that we can see the beautiful night view of the skyscrapers.


In order to increase the number of customers, there is a way to use attractive catch phrases, but in order to improve the review evaluation, we must be careful to choose catch phrases.


If we making a catch phrase for the inn, the review evaluation will not increase unless the real thing is superior to the catch phrase.


It is important to exceed customer expectations

If we make a catch phrase that is more attractive than the real thing, even if it is the inn as expected by the customer, there will be no surprise that will surpass the expectation.


The evaluation of “value for money” item will be raised by exceeding customer expectations.


The reviews of the inn I managed often included the happy phrase “more than expected”.


On the other hand, if there is no surprise that exceeds customer’s expectations, even if there are wonderful facilities, it will not remain in the customer’s memory, so the evaluation will not rise.


Exceeding the customer’s expectations will remain in the customer’s memory and will bring back the goodness of the inn along with the memories of a fun trip when writing reviews.


There is a technique to shoot with a wide-angle lens so that the photos in the room and the hall can be seen widely, but what do customers think when they actually enters the room?


On the other hand, a room shot with a normal lens looks smaller than the actual one, so when customers actually enter the room, they will feel like a nice surprise, and a good impression will be remembered.




A service that allows customers to choose rooms


□ Service that allows customers to choose between two guest room is highly satisfactory.

□ A slightly smaller room facing south is chosen than a slightly larger room facing north.


Only surprises remain in memory


□ Don’t use a catch phrase that is disappointing when customers see the real thing.

□ The evaluation of “value for money” item goes up only beyond customer expectations.

□ If there is no surprise beyond expectation, it will not remain in the customer’s memory.