Customers who only want cheapness

Choose from multiple choices

Disadvantages when accommodation fee is the lowest in the region

When customers make a reservation for an inn, most of the customers choose it after they are listed on the Internet reservation site in the order of the lowest accommodation costs.


At that time, there are also customers who decide on a hotel simply pursuing “cheap”.


It’s up to the customer to decide what criteria to choose an inn, so the inn cannot say anything about it.


However, if your inn sells a room at the lowest price in the area, it is more likely that a guest who has decided to stay in pursuit of cheapness will come to stay.


The inn I was running had the same price almost every day, so it was rare that it became the lowest price in the region during the busy season.


The customers who stayed at the lowest price were different from the usual customers, and rather than ” enjoying an inn ”, it was more like ” I stayed in an inn because I needed a bed ”. So I felt a little sad.


In this way, customers who made a reservation at the lowest price in the area are likely to have made a reservation because it is the lowest in the area, and it seems that there was a situation that had to save on accommodation costs.


When the customers have to save on accommodation costs, they can say that savings is given priority over safety and security.


The customer is different from the customers who chooses an inn where they can feel safe even if the price is slightly higher than the lowest price.


Risk of seeing only the price

If you set the lowest price, the customer may stay anxious if the customer has no choice but price and has a image that the lowest price is low quality.


Setting the lowest price is not recommended.


The process itself of choosing an inn has the effect of making customers feel secure.


In addition, some customers who are pursuing only cheapness may make reservations without much confirmation of the photos in the hall or the rooms because they are pursuing cheapness. And the customers tend to write low-rated reviews when staying actually because the accommodation facilities seem to be different from what they expect.


The price is also important. However, customers who make a reservation after confirming the details of the inn and making sure that everything has been agreed will not be downgraded, even if the customer’s expectation does not differ as long as there is not much difference between the photograph and the reality.




□ At the lowest price inn, customers tend to feel more anxiety than value.

□ By not making it the lowest price, the customer can choose the inn, which leads to a sense of security.

□ If only the price is conspicuous, reservations may be made due to lack of confirmation of information, which may result in low evaluation.