Inn concept

Inn concept and main target

Identify where the inn is located

The inn I was running was located in Miyajima Island, a tourist area and away from the city, so almost 100% of the customers stayed for sightseeing purposes.


The ratio of men and women was about 70% for female customers.


Since I had heard information that Miyajima is a popular place for women before opening, the main target of the inn was set to women from the beginning.


However, when I actually managed the inn, I was surprised at the ratio of women far exceeding expectations.


I think shrines and women are one keyword.


When I went to famous shrines in other prefectures in the past, most of the tourists were women.


The concept of the inn and the main target are determined by where the inn is located.


If we have a specific customer target, we can only find a place where the target is easy to use. Conversely, if we have already decided on a location, we must find the concept and main target according to the location.


Recognizing that customers have chosen theirself is important

If we set anyone as the target without setting the main target, it will be difficult to understand the concept of the inn.


If the inn has no concept, customers will be less aware that they have chosen the inn.


The review evaluation changes depending on whether or not customers are aware of the process of their choice.


The customers want to think that the inn they chose was a good choice.


The customers want to think their choice was good.


So, if the customers have a strong perception that they have chosen, even if the inn has a little defect, the customers who choose the inn can highlight the good points of the inn to the accompanying person.


Advantages of clarifying the main target

The inn need to make an effort to protect the inn concept.


If the staff of the inn does not have a  understanding of the concept of the inn, they will not be able to differentiate themselves from other inns, and will only be able to do their job vaguely.


In addition, the staff cannot be attached to inns where the concept is ambiguous.


If there is a concept and the main target is clear, the staff will be able to serve customers who are main target with confidence.


On the other hand, when customers who are not the main target stay, it is necessary to treat customers more carefully than usual so that they do not feel inconvenienced. However, if the main target is clear, the staff will be able to easily understand which customers are most concerned about ( or need to attention ).


Also, if the inn’s concept is well understood by the customer, customers who are not the main target will respect the inn’s concept rather than the style they want, and enjoy a different style.




□ If there is a concept, the customer who chooses the inn becomes the inn’s ally.

□ If the concept and main target are clear, the staff will be able to respond customers easily.

□ If the concept is clearly understood by the customer, customers other than the main target can also enjoy a different inn style.