Utilization of guest room space

Less information

Amount of information received from white walls

Try to minimize the amount of information customers see.


Informations are processed in the brain.


For example, suppose you have a poster with lots of colors, shapes, and letters in front of you.


When you see the poster, your brain works actively to understand what is written on the poster.


Even if you are not consciously looking at it, your brain will process the information you see.


In the story of the museum mentioned earlier, the walls of the museum are white and spacious, and the information processed by brain is only the installed artwork.


Art works are more attractive because there is no extra information.


In addition, when a human sees a large white wall with a small amount of information, his imagination will improve and his creative feeling will increase.


The brain processes information unconsciously

Compared with the color, shape, and smell that humans perceive, letters are powerful enough to make the human brain fully process the information.


When we are walking in the city, if we see a letter, we will definitely see it.


TV program captions are also used to attract people.


The more letters there are, the more the brain is processing that information.


Compared with men and women, men tend to prefer places with more information.


Conversely, women tend to prefer places with less information.


I discovered this when I was running the inn in the book corner for customers.


I asked a female staff to select and buy a large number of books for the book corner, but I was surprised at first when I saw the books.


A photo book with only skys taken was 5,000 yen…. It’s 5,000 yen, just sky photos.


As a male, I couldn’t understand the charm of the book. However, the female customers staying at the inn looked at the book lovably.


When I asked the women about the reason, there is almost no information in the book. and looking at the book seems to be able to remove the fatigue of everyday life caused by the large amount of information.


The essence of the inn is sleeping

I think some people want to make their inn a exciting place like a tavern. But, the essence of the inn is sleeping.


If we deviate from the essence of things, it will become like a large tree that grows unnaturally and will become unstable.


Make the rooms look spacious

Regard as an extension of the guest room

Are you giving up taking measures because you think your guest room is small ?


There are ways to make the rooms themselves look larger, but it’s not the only guest room customers can relax.


If you create a relaxing area exclusively for guests on the lobby floor and other floors, it will give the impression that the image of the inn has expanded beyond the inside of guest rooms.


It would be more effective if you have a sofa that customers can sit comfortably and a library that customers can browse freely.


Customers are concerned about the size of the room. However, equally important is the size of the inn, where customers can move safely and freely, not the outdoor space.


When a guest chooses an inn on the internet, what would they think if the inn has a special guest lounge with nice photos ? When they are actually staying, they may want to drop in at the place once.


Similarly in business hotels with large baths, even if the bathroom in the guest room is small, their evaluations tend not to deteriorate.


The large bath can be used freely, so customers regard it as an extension of the guest room.


Make the rooms themselves look spacious

There is also a way to make the rooms themselves look spacious.


When customers write a review about a room, the room they remember is the image and impression of the first time they enter the room.


In order to make the first impression better, do not place extra equipment from the beginning in places where customers can see it.


By not placing extra equipment in the guest room. the space at customers feet becomes wider and they can recognize the room space spacious. 


When there are air purifier and trouser press placed in the vicinity of the entrance, customers feel that the equipments are in the way when they enter the room.


The positive image that the air purifier was useful is defeated by the negative image that the room was small. That would create an opportunity for customers to make negative evaluations.


So, things that get in the way of the aisle should be closed in the closet when customers first enter the room.


The most important thing is how customers feel when they first enter the room.




Less information


□ The human brain chases letters and processes them intensively.

□ Customers can relax by reducing text informations.


Make the rooms look spacious


□ Customers recognize places other than the guest room as part of the guest room.

□ Do not place items in the room passage from the beginning.