Effective reception area

Position of receptionist

Remove unnecessary items in the lobby

There should be enough space in the reception area to avoid crowds.


What should we do if we can’t get enough space ? In that case, let’s get rid of the walls and fences that are bordering cafes and restaurants around the reception.


As I mentioned before, an incomplete quality place may be convenient for some customers, But the review, which is the theme of this site, is only a factor that leads to negative evaluation.


Get rid of the extras and place a receptionist in the center of entrance hall. Place the receptionist in the center of the lobby.


By placing a receptionist in the center of the lobby, customers can feel more at ease with the receptionist and the inn.


Make the receptionist the central figure of the inn

At first, by placing a receptionist in the center of the lobby, customers will feel that the receptionist is the mainstay of the lobby and the inn.


Later, when customers are guided by the receptionist, the receptionist’s actions will make customers feel themself more special in the guidance than the receptionist.


Explain the changes in the customer’s mind. First, the customer has to respect the staff once, and that staff will respect that customer.


I am impressed that the person who gives instructions to other staff members and who is respected by other staff members will care for me as a customer.


The position of the receptionist is very important.


In a positive way, let’s make it easier to understand the hierarchical relationship between staff members.


To do so, I think the reception location is best in the center of the lobby.


The best healing in the city is quiet

Living in the city with a huge amount of sound

The inn I was running was sometimes said ” quiet and calm like an art museum “ by customers.


I also like museums.


One of the reasons I like museums is that I can see the finest works of art that I can’t usually see, such as paintings and sculptures. And one of the reasons why I like art museums is the architectural appeal of museums.


The large hall has enough space to make the works attractive, and the ceiling is high, so there is a sense of openness even though it is indoors. And there is no BGM.


In my hometown of Hiroshima, there is a movie theater without BGM.


The movie theater is on the top floor of the building, in the middle of downtown.


So, from the crowd of people in the downtown area, cars, and music, I felt a kind of healing when I entered the floor of the movie theater and felt like I was getting a massage.


If the inn is in a downtown area, people who actually live there may feel that the bustle of the city is normal.


However, if you enter a quiet place in the city, you should be able to understand the anomalies in urban life.


In an inn in the city, the tranquility will give the customer a special feeling.


lobby structure with an extraordinary feel

Corridor on guest room floor and inside the guest room may be quiet, but what about the lobby ?


Customers go through crowd of the city. If the inn’s lobby is a quiet place where customers can feel the healing at the moment they enter the inn, they can think of your inn as a special place.


In addition, by raising the ceiling of the lobby, more sound can be absorbed into the space, making it quieter.


In the case of a hotel that has a lobby on the second floor, it can be separated from the hustle and bustle on the ground floor, creating an extraordinary feeling isolated from the outside.




Position of receptionist


□ Remove borders between cafe and restaurant in the lobby and make the lobby as spacious as possible.

□ Place a receptionist in the center of the lobby.


The best healing in the city is quiet


□ Quietness becomes “attraction” in urban inns.

□ Tranquility gives people healing.

□ It is effective to raise the ceiling or make the lobby upstairs.