Scent and comfort

Scent also leads to comfort

In the item of cleanliness, I wrote “smell” instead of “scent”, but in this item I will explain how to use “scent” to make customers feel more comfortable than “smell” from a hygienic viewpoint.


The “smell” explained in the item of cleanliness is a “stink” that is harmful to health.


If the smell-less state is break even, the “stinked” state becomes minus.


On the other hand, if we use “scent” well, customers will be able to relax more than smell-less and improve their rating of comfort item.


Aroma with high relaxation effect

When I visited an friend staying at the Sheraton Hotel, I liked the fragrance used on the lobby floor and asked the hotel staff if they were selling the fragrance.


However, it was said that the fragrance is an original fragrance called Sheraton Sense and is not commercially available.


The scent was clear and blue with a sharp impression rather than a sweet scent like fruit.


Although it has a sharp impression, I can feel calmed down, so the fragrance may be using ingredients that have a sedative effect.


When we hear a sedative, it’s a little frightening, but we can rest assured that it’s called aroma. However, in reality, a scent component (contained in scent components such as ylang ylang and bergamot) is found in fragrances contained in plants and flowers, and aroma is used for the purpose of the sedative effect. And it is used for oil blending.


However, please do not absolutely increase the amount of ingredients, as it will become stronger than necessary.


In addition, some customers are allergic to aroma, so it is better not to use them in the guest room.


Effective place

Once we enter the room and lock it, we can check our safety and relax.


However, we are nervous when we enter the inn for the first time, or in a closed corridor where we can meet strangers.


So by using fragrances effectively on the lobby and guest room corridors, customers can recognize the entire facility as a relaxing place.


It is also better to use the same fragrance than to use different fragrances on the lobby and guest room floor corridors.


Since fragrance is a piece of information, the more information we have, the more strain on our brain.




□ The “stink” is thought to be harmful to health, and the “scent” relaxes the feeling.

□ Customers can relax by using fragrances effectively.

□ Fragrances should be used outside the guest room.