
Brief History

Born in Hiroshima in 1979. After graduating from university, I worked for a shipping company, a subsidiary of a steel company, for nine years.


After retirement, I tries to start a import business in Osaka. But I gave up, because the exchange rate changed rapidly in 2013.


After that, I traveled alone for the first time and met with a guest house in Kyoto. And, I was impressed with the style of the guesthouse.


Half a year later, I established a corporation in May 2015. In November of the same year, I opened my inn.


I transferred the company to another person in 2019. And I am away from the management of the inn and here I am.

Review evaluation of the inn I was running

I received a rating of 9.7 (out of 10) for 3 consecutive years on the site.


In order to understand how I can get highly rated reviews, I researched not only my own inn, but also other inns’ facility and reviews (hotels other than guesthouses, inns, etc…).

My past was indifferent to review

Around 2003 when I started working at the company, I used to book a hotel for the first time using a major reservation site.


At that time, I was looking at the advertisements everywhere in my life, and I didn’t see any reviews written by other persons.


That’s when a smartphone appeared, and it became possible to carry the functions of a personal computer, and since the Internet became available everywhere, it changed to a life where everything was immediately checked online.


As a result, the Internet has become an important support device that can provide information when choosing something in the city or at home.

An event that led me to trust word of mouth

Even after I started using the Internet as an support device, I didn’t use the reviews written by others for a while.


There may have been a marketing technique using fake customers in my mind.


I think that the reason why it disappeared was after seeing an article that the review written on google can not be easily deleted.


As with all major reservation sites, reviews are customer’s personal thoughts and cannot be deleted.


Even if it’s almost like a false accusation.


After reading the article, reviews became an important piece of information for me when choosing a restaurant, inn or something.

Be in a position to write reviews

After that, I opened my inn and I became a person who wrote reviews from customers.


Thankfully, many customers have written reviews of compliments.


However, some customers wrote sad reviews.


I was worried about just one review, and I couldn’t understand even if I checked the measures on the Internet, and I thought about the reasons for the customers who wrote that review every day, and  finally managed to come to terms with that review.


At that time, I was most scared that I didn’t know what to do.


When I was running the inn without knowing the countermeasures, I thought that my customers would write reviews again that were not rated well, so I didn’t enjoy my job.

Reasons for creating this site

The main reason I wanted to create this site was to help people who are sad with review like me, to make a deal with the review written by customers.


There may be some items that are difficult to incorporate due to physical reasons such as the inn’s operational reasons and location and facilities. 


However, if we know the reason for a bad review, we don’t have to worry about “Why?”.


The inn’s work is a wonderful job where we can interact with customers around the world every day.


Rather than worrying about sad reviews, I hope that you will understand the mechanism of reviews and become a workplace where you can work happily every day with highly rated reviews.


Last but not least, the people who helped me in creating this site, the guests who stayed at the inn, and the staff who worked happily I would like to thank everyone and my beloved wife for writing the  illustrations.